Monday, November 23, 2009

my thankful-for's

Painting by Henry Ossawa Tanner - Thankful Poor

I woke up this morning and I was so comfortable in my nice warm bed, wrapped up in my many blankets and coddled by my fluffy pillow. I jumped out of bed and wrapped up in my fuzzy bathroom. I made my way toward the bathroom and jumped into the shower, where I had hot water to last for an hour. I lathered up in my vanilla scented Olay ultra moisturizing body wash and washed and conditioned my hair. Even though it was cold outside, my house was warm. I returned to my room and dried my hair with a blow dryer. It took me a long time to decide what to wear because I couldn't choose which of my many clothes I wanted to wear. And guess what? I have always been this blessed. You know, we struggled a lot when I was a kid, but we never went hungry. We were never without heat. Our cars broke down, we went without, we sacrificed for the things that were really important, but we never lacked anything that we really needed.

I say all of this to say how thankful I am for my life. Every moment this morning I was realizing just how much I do have and how many people don't have the same. Every year as the temperature drops and Thanksgiving rolls around I realize just a little sliver of how blessed I truly am.

What are you thankful for?


Boozy Tooth said...

Oh Gorrion, I have a feeling you would appreciate these simple blessings even if you lived in a palace, because after all, the comforts of a warm bed, a hot shower, and a choice of lovely clothes are indeed some of the greatest treasures you'll ever know. That and a full belly. Which I hope you also have this Thanksgiving.

I do so love your spirit. You are wise for your years and I love you.

Raine said...

That is a beautiful post :D

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