Thursday, July 2, 2009

open doors


"How will I afford all this?" I think.

Sometimes it's better when I don't count the cost, and just live life, checking the balance as I go along. Well, at least it seems that way...

I just made myself a budget. I thought that I should really start managing my money better, especially since I'm going to try to move. I will most definately need more money if I'm going to be studying at some school in New England. Nothing is cheap over there. Everything is cheap here, especially if you share an apartment with 5 other girls.

I just looked at my bank account. Not good. It seems that after I pay my rent, phone, utilities, and fill the endlessly gasoline gulping machine that is my car, I'll have meager pennies to live off of until two weeks from now. Again, payday seems to dissappear in the click of a mouse.


I'm not really sure what I'm going to do. I'm not really sure how to remedy this problem. If the money's not there, then it's not there. Maybe it's time for me to work my booty off for the summer.

And an idea just popped into my head.

Tonight I received a call from some random girl who is a friend of a girl who used to work summers at my company. She was just calling from blah, blah, blah, wondering if I wanted to blah, blah, blah, for some extra cash this summer. Naturally, I did not. Now I'm going to facebook said aquaintence and see what the deal was. Maybe I do want to blah, blah, blah this summer. Another job might be just the thing I need to get my mind off of my life for the coming months also. Of course, there's also monetary gain involved, and that's the most important thing...

Well, I guess I shouldn't say it's the most important thing. I mean, trusting that God will take care of me and lead me is more important. But like they say, "Have faith, but wear your seatbelt." In other words, do your part. God will provide, but not in a magical, Santa Claus sort of way. He gives you the ability to work for a reason.

Speaking of work (and changing the subject almost all together) while I was at work today, doing my usual administrative assistant/translator/interpreter gig, something came up that prompted me (because nobody else happened to be available at the time) to have to go personally inerpret for almost 3 hours. The experience merely cemented my desire to go back to school for interpretation/translation. I feel like today was an open door, in the sense that God uses "open doors" to lead or not lead us in certain directions. This was like an open door, welcome mat, and large sign with blinking, neon arrows. Soooooo... I'm walking over the threshold! We'll see what happens next. I'll keep you posted!


Ebony said...

You always have exactly what you need exactly when you need it. I know sometimes it's hard to see, but it's so true. Peace and blessings...

la aventurista said...

We have a lot in common! least the loving/trusting God and Spanish thing :) I would love to be an interpreter or something along those lines...

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