Friday, July 17, 2009

blogging award

I just got my first blogging award, "Honest Scrap," and I'm uber excited (uber is one of my favorite new words to use). There are certain rules that go along with receiving a blogger award. Unfortunately, I don't follow enough blogs! Everybody I watch already has this award. But I promise, I will follow more blogs and find 10 people (or something near that number) to which I will award this prestigious honor.

Honestly, I am super excited about my first blogging award. I have already exclaimed to Athletic Roomie at least 4 times the wonder of my first award!

I am also completely amazed that "laneyandjackson" is following my blog! Thanks for joining up! I'm so glad you're reading my self-published column! Well, it is time that I officially stop using exclamation points and do something productive, like sleep.

Thanks again Raine. I'm so happy to join the coolness club!

1 comment:

Raine said...

Welcome to the coolness club! :D

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